Saul Griffith’s plan to actually solve climate change


“The climate action that we do in this critical decade is really focused on the households, communities, cities and the towns that they live in,” stated Saul Griffith during ICLEI Oceania’s first Local Government Solution Exchange on 29 July. 

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Saul made clear that local governments play a vital role in this process and that the pathway to climate success is to replace the main origins of our emissions (gas and oil-powered machines) with cleanly powered electric machines as they retire. To help accomplish this task he asked local governments and their communities to recognse the magnitude of influence they have in this space and referred to them as the “avantgarde of the fight”.

Saul is an Australian-born inventor, entrepreneur and change maker who has captured the attention of the nation with the plan to “Electrify Everything”.  The concept is simple:  we ready our houses for the future by swapping fossil-fuelled devices with their electric equivalent. Fuelled by the sun and wind, this is a win for Australian houses that will: 

  • Save money

  • Create jobs 

  • Reduce emissions

Inspired by Saul, over 200 local government representatives joined in the Solution Exchange to discuss in breakout groups what was already happening to help electrification the households as well as wishes and bold actions to turn this into a reality. The ICLEI Oceania team is synthesizing these contributions and will share more soon. 

Check out Saul’s Rewiring Australia website for details on how Australia can lead the world to quickly and dramatically decarbonize by electrifying our homes:

Article written by: Jessica Robbins and Dustin Cutler